How we can help you sell
Discover our different models for sales in Europe or Asia
Red Box Direct

Dedicated product manager

Full price control in EU market

Import / Export logistics taken care of

Dedicated sales and technical support in your local market

Full relationship control access to CRM pipeline and all information

Manage direct and indirect channels

Exclusive protection of your data and customer relationships
Red Box Distribution

First rate distribution model

Import / Export logistics taken care of

Proactive outreach - not just reactive sales

Marketing across multiple channels

No price gouging - allow for landing costs, handling & currency fluctuations

Openness - share CRM and customer information at all stages of business

The Red Box Direct Approach
5-steps to start selling in Europe or Asia.

Start selling
Start selling your products in Europe or Asia.

Decide which model suits your business best
Decide which models suits your business better, Red Box Direct or Red Box Distribution.

Discuss issues and goals
Tell us your current issues with selling in Europe and Asia and discuss your goals.