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Location : Chicago, Illinois
Joined Red Box Direct: 2008
For almost a century Stoelting focused very successfully on US sales. Then came the 90’s, the Internet, and the internationalization of science. Stoelting started to receive increased enquiries from around the globe. Initially, sales in Europe grew and distributors were appointed. By 2007 however, European sales had remained flat for five years.
In 2008, Red Box Direct hired and managed a Product Manager for Stoelting, and set up their European office. Together with the Stoelting team we designed a marketing campaign to inform existing customers that Stoelting now had a sales and support office in the EU.
We also reassured distributors that we genuinely wanted to continue and in fact increase support for their efforts. In the following four years, Stoelting sales in Europe almost trebled. Most of this growth has been in direct sales, but even distributor sales have grown significantly. Today Stoelting is one of the leading providers of Stereotaxics, Neuroscience and Behaviour Research Instruments in Europe.
For almost a century Stoelting focused very successfully on US sales. Then came the 90’s, the Internet, and the internationalization of science. Stoelting started to receive increased enquiries from around the globe. Initially, sales in Europe grew and distributors were appointed. By 2007 however, European sales had remained flat for five years.
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01 Stoelting Co.


Location : Aurora, Ontario
Joined Red Box Direct: 2011
Following the takeover of Cambridge Technology Inc.’s muscle levers and force transducers, Aurora Scientific grew rapidly in North America to emerge as one of the leading Muscle Physiology and Neuroscience equipment manufacturers.
In 2011, they decided to open a managed office in Europe in order to better serve their clients, and to establish themselves in it’s market as they have in North America. 9 years later and their Muscle Physiology and Neuroscience equipment can be found across the entirety of the European continent. Their customer base is satisfied with the presence of a dedicated product manager as their first point of contact, and in 2019 their European sales grew by 44% compared to their previous best year.
As Aurora Scientific continues to grow, they also now have an office in Hong Kong with Red Box Direct to manage their sales into China and other countries in the region.
Following the takeover of Cambridge Technology Inc.’s muscle levers and force transducers, Aurora Scientific grew rapidly in North America to emerge as one of the leading Muscle Physiology and Neuroscience equipment manufacturers.
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02 Aurora Scientific
Location : Boston, Massachusetts
Joined Red Box Direct: 2007
In the mid-2000’s IonOptix sent a member of staff to Europe to open a regional office. This was a great success at first with sales growing in the first two years. However, the European business wasn’t yet big enough to employ admin staff and the distraction of dealing with finances, importation, employee taxes, etc. were consuming so much of this employee’s time that there was no time left to grow sales further.
In early 2007 Red Box Direct took over managing the IonOptix business in Europe. We set up an IonOptix office, hired a Product Manager, implemented a CRM and designed a marketing campaign for the new entity. More time dedicated to customers produced dividends and, within a year, sales had doubled and have continued to grow ever since. In 2013 we hired an additional Product Manager to cater for additional growth.
In the mid-2000’s IonOptix sent a member of staff to Europe to open a regional office. This was a great success at first with sales growing in the first two years.
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03 IonOptix


Location : Dublin, Ireland
Established: 2015
Green Leaf Scientific Ltd. was founded by Red Box Direct Ltd in 2015 to help researchers in Europe access more specialised scientific research equipment not easily available to them in their region.
By partnering with smaller niche life sciences manufacturers worldwide, Green Leaf Scientific has played an intricate role in supplying researchers with the specialized equipment they need to progress their research. Now with hundreds of happy customers worldwide, Green Leaf Scientific has evolved to become a leading provider of equipment in the fields of Neuroscience, Optogenetics, In Vivo Behavioural Equipment, Cell Biology and Sample Preparation.
Green Leaf Scientific Ltd. was founded by Red Box Direct Ltd in 2015 to help researchers in Europe access more specialised scientific research equipment not easily available to them in their region.
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