Red Box Direct

With Red Box Direct you get your own office and dedicated product manager(s) in either Europe or Asia. We manage your people and provide shared back-end logistics.
Red Box Direct is ideal for manufacturers who already have some consistent export sales, but want to really build on that base with an outsourced sales solution. With Red Box Direct you get your own office, under your company branding, based in the export market you are targeting and dedicated Product Manager(s) who will focus 100% on selling to and supporting your customers.
These Product Manager(s) become an integral part of your sales team but are located with and managed by us. Hiring, training, managing and mentoring technical salespeople is something that we really know.

Dedicated product manager

Full price control in EU market

Import / Export logistics taken care of

Dedicated sales and technical support in your local market

Full relationship control access to CRM pipeline and all information

Manage direct and indirect channels

Exclusive protection of your data and customer relationships

Red Box Distribution

If you do not require a managed office, and are simply looking for specialized life science product distribution in Europe, then Green Leaf Scientific is the solution for you.
Comprising products from 12 leading life science manufacturers, Green Leaf Scientific has had great success over the last eight years, and it is always looking to expand on it’s catalog of equipment.
We take care of growing your sales through tailored marketing campaigns, and provide a point of contact for any technical queries which your existing and prospective customer base may have (As your sales increase, the option of converting your distribution plan to a managed office with a dedicated product manager is always available).

First rate distribution model

Import / Export logistics taken care of

Proactive outreach - not just reactive sales

Marketing across multiple channels

No price gouging - allow for landing costs, handling & currency fluctuations

Openness - share CRM and customer information at all stages of business
The Red Box Direct Approach
5-steps to start selling in Europe or Asia.

Start Selling
Start selling your products in Europe or Asia.

Hire a Product Manager
Decide which models suits your business better, Red Box Direct or Red Box Distribution.

Discuss issues and goals
Tell us your current issues with selling in Europe and Asia and discuss your goals.